builder / homestore specialist

my builds
find them all here

retro tingz
[location redacted], russia | 1974

diviné homestore v2
an old abandoned industrial building

7th ward
somewhere in japan

thrifting warehouse
renton, washington - 2005
contains detailed lore and story to follow, including finding keys and codes, figuring out puzzles and finding secrets.

downtown evil
a gloomy, rainy city filled with secrets
contains lots of collectibles, things to interact with & secrets to find, aswell as a large map to explore.

elysiane homestore
an abandoned factory somewhere on the outskirts of a city

apartment 302
room 302 from silent hill 4: the room


minimum r$10k or $50. my rate is r$1k/$5.00
you can pay me in robux through group funds, or through a shirt, given you cover the tax. i accept usd through paypal only.
i charge based on the following factors
the size & detail of the build
this is the main factor. the bigger & more detailed you want the build, the more i will charge.
as a builder, i have personal standards i strive to reach in every build. to go above any beyond those will cost you.
usually i am working on several builds, and if you give me a deadline that will require me to get it done sooner it will cost you.
think of it like paying for shipping. you pay extra to get the product sooner.
special / unique requests
in some of my stores, there are things that make them unique & stand out from your average homestore.
this includes things like adding lore and cool secrets.
decals, thumbnails & icons
i am a clothing designer aswell, with skill and knowledge on how to use
i will make things like specialized decals, generic things like posters, thumbnails for your store aswell as an icon.
things like putting clothes onto mannequins and including my scripts.
e to zoom script, proximity prompt doors & tape recorders/radios, npcs, static animation positions & r6 walk, r15 realistic body movement & camera bobbing, etc.
i also have click/proximity prompt badge givers, collision badge givers (like entering a certain room), & music system with global & specific music zones.